jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

Watching some advertisements in English: Dumb Ways to Die Lyrics link in youtube.

We introduced our younger students to this catchy tune in December, but would like to share it again. This song is actually an Australian advertisement reminding people to be safe around trains. The song was a "big hit" and became very popular through the Internet. It´s a fun way to remember an important message for all ages, (with a lot of new vocabulary)!!!!!!!!!!
We hope you like it!!!!!!!!
Brenna Eileen Eaton.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Learning about The States: Political Geography of The USA.

Thanks to Brenna Eileen Eaton, our American Assisstant Teacher, who is a Geographer, we can learn more about the States  following a CLIL Aproach integrating Geography and English Language. She has made the next presentation, which deals with Political Geography of The USA.
The students have been learning about the different States and have been labeling States and Cities on a blank map. Since The United States is very large, we have been learning about the differences in individual regions, as well as famous places.
Soon we will upload another presentation about Physical Geography in The States.
Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brenna Eileen Eaton.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

Drawing Tutorials: T. S. Eliot Project.

As you know, Grade 1 and Grade 3 are taking part on a coordinated and integrated task both in the English and Art lesson. Whereas in the English lesson, they are understanding, learning and rehearsing some English poems by T.S. Eliot, on which the Musical CATS was based; in the Art lesson Grade 1 is making the Cat´s masks and Grade 3 is making the murals for the performance using the English language as well.
Since "The Song of the Jellicles" reflects the actions of the Cats during the day and the night or the late evening, both parts of the day are being represented  in the murals; putting special emphasis on the night, when they love to go to the "Jellicle Ball".
Therefore, we´d like to share with you some links of the drawing tutorials the students watched before beginning painting:


And there will be more to come!!!!!!!!
We are very excited about it and looking forward to the results.
Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.
Marta Diéguez Lorenzo.
Brenna Eileen Eaton.

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

Canadian Projects.

As I have previously mentioned, we have already began both Music and Language Projects with the Dalhousie School of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. I´d like to mention some of them:
As to the Music Project is concerned, whereas the music teacher of our school is recording the tunes of some Galician songs, the Dalhousie music teacher is, at the same time, recording the tunes of some Canadian songs. Soon will we switch the tunes, so that the Canadian students would record the lyrics of the Galician songs in Spanish and the Galician students would record the lyrics of the Canadian songs in English. The main aims are both to exchange cultural aspects and  to improve Communicative Competence both in English and in Spanish Language.
In relation to Flat Stanley Project, all the students are sharing pictures with Flat Stanley and we have the collaboration of their families, which I thank them a lot. I´m collecting all the pictures and all the texts, where the students explain why they´d like to share their pictures with the Canadian students. The final task consists on a power point presentation for each Grade with the pictures and the texts. Soon will be uploaded on the blog. Besides, we can´t wait to see the task the Canadian students are doing.
Moreover, we are doing some more tasks we´ll let you know about them very soon, such as exchanging school descriptions and cultural aspects about Galicia and Alberta in Canada.
Stay tuned!
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

Celebrating Valentine Day on 14th. February 2013!

In honor of Valentine´s Day, we watched Disney short film "Paperman",which can be seen in youtube.
The story is about two young people who meet at a train station and encounter the magic of love at first sight!
The younger Grades enjoyed the video and the older Grades practised narrating the story in English. Since there are no words, the story is easily adaptable for many ages and languages.
I hope you enjoy it!
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

Reciting T. S. Eliot: "Old Possum´s Book of Practical Cats".

Since we celebrate the Poetry Day at the school Library on March 21, Grade 1 and Grade 3 are preparing the performance of some English poems based on the "Old Possum´s Book of Practical Cats" by T. S. Eliot, on which the Musical CATS was based.
Here is the link to the "Song of the Jellicles" of the Musical CATS, which I found  in youtube; so that our students can review the poem that they are going to recite and I´d like to share it with you as well.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

London by Grade 3 students.

After learning about Charles Dickens, a classic English author who wrote about historic London, England, the first grade has been studying this city. They learned about different places in London, where they are, and what they look like.Besides,each student drew and colored a different site and then placed it on the map with labels! Here is their finished design. Beautiful!
Cheers! Brenna E. Eaton. Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey. Marta Diéguez Lorenzo.