viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Portfolio Activity: Andy Warhol Spanish Version by Grade 6 Students.

To collaborate in the English Classroom transformation into a Museum, Grade 6 students replaced the 32 Campbell soup cans for Cola Cao, in order to create their Andy Warhol Spanish version. I´d like to thank them for their hard work and dedication and cheer them to keep on working on the project. Next term,  there will be exhibitions of all the Art works in the English Classroom Museum, where they can share their experiences and what they have lernt with the Project in the English Language. Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

Reviewing Routines: Mr. Bean Daily Routines Link.

To review routines, you can watch "Mr. Bean Daily Routines" YouTube hilarious video!!!
Afterwards, you can try the following activities.
Kimberly Marie Cicciariello.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

Mr.Bean Daily Routines.
Mr. Bean (Gets dressed/Brushes his teeth/Gets up) before (9:00 /6:00 / 3:00 ).
Your turn! What time do you get ready?
I ________________________________ at ________________________________
Mr.Bean (Brushes his teeth/ Eats breakfast/ Gets dressed) at (8:50 / 5:00/ 3:30 )
Your turn!
I______________________________ at __________________________________
Mr.Bean (Gets dressed/ Brushes his teeth/ Leave home) at ( 7:30 / 4:45/ 3:30)
Your turn!
I ________________________________ at _________________________________
Mr. Bean has (Has breakfast/Eats lunch/Eats Dinner) at (12:15/ 1:30/ 2:30)
Your turn!
Mr. Bean (Arrives home/ Brushes his teeth/ Goes to work) at (3:00 / 5:00 / 6:00 )
Your turn!
Mr. Bean (Checks his email / Watches Tv/ Goes surfing ) after ( Lunch/ Breakfast/ Dinner)
Your turn!
I__________________________ After _______________________
Mr. Bean (Reads a book/ Writes a letter/ Watches tv) in ( Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening)
Your turn!
I_______________________________ in the ________________________________
Mr. Bean (Goes to bed/ Brushes his teeth/ Goes to work) after ( 2:00 / 12:00 / 3:00)
Your turn!

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

British Council BBC Link

Dealing with teaching English, it's worth visiting the British Council BBC Web Page, where you can find stories, videos, listenings, games, songs and all type of activities for all ages!
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Link to The Artist Woman blog.

If you are looking for great painting ideas, That Artist Woman Blog is worth visiting!!!!

Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Andy Warhol by Grade 6. Portfolio activitiy to turn the English classroom into a Museum. Part I.

The transformation of CEIP Plurilingüe RÍA DE VIGO English Classroom into a Museum, in relation to both the Plurilingual and Library Projects, is in full throttle  as each grade is working hard in the continuation of learning new techniques  as well as working on their assigned artist. Grade 6 has been learning about Andy Warhol, a famous American  artist, in the English classroom and has started to incorporate their knowledge into their on individual piece. Andy Warhol´s subjects consisted on icons as well as mass-produced products such as Cambells soup cans or Coca Cola. We have taken Andy Warhol  32 soup cans and replaced soup cans with Cola Cao cans to create our own Spanish Andy Warhol piece. What other way to  start an art Project with bright  prominent colors than the week of Carnival!
Stay tuned, since we will upload some pictures very soon!
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.
Kimberly Marie Cicciarillo.