martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

William Shakespeare´s Midsummer Night´s Dream by Grade 5 students. Turning the English Classroom into a Museum.

Grade 5 students also collaborated into Turning the English Classroom into a Museum by drawing some scenes of Shakespeare´s play Midsummer Night Dream, after listening to an adaptation I made of the play in Modern English. We intend to show the play next school year. In the meantime, we´d like to share with you some pictures of the darwings they are doing  for the Museum Exhibition, also with Kimberlly assistance:
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

Stay tuned, since we will soon upload the final work!

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

Turning the English Classroom into a Museum. Presentation

Thanks to Kimberly Marie Cicciariello, we had the oportunity of learning new painting techniques as well as improving our learning of American painters.
We´d like to share with you her presentation, that involves our work and her great collaboration. It also summarizes the projects we were dealing with along this school year in relation to our Plurilingual Project " Society and Nature in Art through English Language and Literature", the Library Project "Reading in Art", the Project related to "The Classics in Literature" and "The European Portfolio of the Languages".
As you can see, we had integrated Art and English Language following a CLIL Approach. Besides, we had the collaboration of the English Language, Art and Assistant teachers, since we have one hour for coordination and we cooperate one another.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

Learn English. British Council link.

It's worth visiting this British Council link , if you want to  develop English skills as well as to improve the knowledge of English Cultural Bites:
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Turning the English Classroom into a Museum. Links to activities

Turning the English Classroom into a Museum Project is almost over. We´d like to share with you some activities we include in this project.
Stay tuned, since there will be more to come.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.
Kimberly Marie Cicciariello.

Georgia O´Keefe:

Jasper Johns, The Flag:

Vicent Van Gogh, Stary Night: