miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Let´s review adverbs of frequency...!!! Grade 4.

Dear students,

Let´s review the adverbs of frequency...!!!

The are used with the Present Simple to indicate how often we do something.

Eg. I often go to the cinema on Thursday evening.


The adverb goes next to the verb.
As you can see in the following examples, they are placed between the subject and the verb:

usually have cereal for breakfast.
She sometimes plays football.

Be careful!

Use ‘how often’ to ask a question.
How often do you play computer games?
sometimes play computer games.
Can you do the following activities:
Can you try this test...???
You can send me an email if you have any doubt.
Take care and be happy...!!!
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

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