sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

A World of Recipes 4. Keith Lematti, our former Irish Assitant Teacher´s recipe.

Dear all,
We have more recipes from abroad...!!! Our former Irish Assistant Teacher, who is now working in London, agreed to send us a recipe...!!! I Thank him for joining us in this task..!!!
Do you remember him? He has written a message, for you in Spanish and he has also cooked a delicious recipe, he wants to share it with you. Next, I post both his message and the recipe with the pictures:

‘Hola chic@s de Ria De Vigo. Os echo de menos mucho. Estoy triste que no he podido volver a visitar España por mucho tiempo, pero espero que eatais todos bien y seguros en este tiempo que es muy difícil. Seguro que voy a volver a veros cuando se puede viajar poque echo de menos mucho a Galicia.
Espero que disfrutais de esta receta, aunque no es increiblemente saludable, un treat un dia cada mes no esta mal.’

‘K+V’s fried chicken’ Recipe:

700-1000 grams of chicken wings
100g of breadcrumbs
ground black pepper
Corn starch
Chillie powder
3 eggs
100ml semi-skinned milk
Garlic powder

Pre-cooking preparation
-marinate the chicken in salt, pepper, garlic powder and chillie powder. Leave in the fridge for an hour before cooking at least.

Cooking method
-heat a pan filled with oil on medium heat
-mix milk and eggs together in a bowl and have this ready near the chicken
-coat the chicken in flour first, and then dip in the mixed eggs/milk
-then coat the chicken with a layer of breadcrumbs to make it nice and crunchy
-if the oil is sizzling, you can start putting the coated chicken in
-cook each chicken wing for 4 minutes on each side

After cooking
-Leave to cool down a bit for a minute per piece some paper towels, so you can drain the excess oil

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