jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014


Grade 4 are learning about routines and the Simple Present Tense. In the next brief Pesentation you can see some activities to keep on practising these aspects.
Kimberly Marie Cicciariello.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

  Why don´t you try this Quiz to review routines? Read it carefully and try to choose the best options!


miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Andy Warhol. Turning the English classroom into a Museum.

We are learning about Andy Warhol, a very famous American pop artist. We are going to learn about his technique and his reasoning into our own Andy Warhol recreation. His art work consisted of mostly pop icons and mass produced products which has lead us to create a piece of work for the museum turn over by giving the illusion of a mass produced "Spanish Style" art work! 

Kimberly Marie Cicciariello.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Piet Mondrian Presentation.

Grade 4 worked with the technique of Piet Mondrian, here we have a slideshare that introduces the artist as well as his various paintings. We learned how he incorporated the primary colors with black solid lines in order to create an aesthetically pleasing balance.
Kimberly Marie Cicciariello.
Marta Outomuro Rodríguez.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.


martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

WH - Questions.

We are learning about the "WH-Questions and when it is appropriate to use each one in certain situations. Here we have a slideshow using the familiar television show, Spongebob, that we showed Grade 5 as a way to incorporate a fun way to learn how to construct questions as well as answer them.
Kimberly Marie Cicciariello.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.


lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

Eating Healthy!

Eating food is something that has been integrated into each of our culture ( which can differ  from one culture to another) as well as to learn about healthy eating . Today we learned about different foods for breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner and dessert that we can have as well as a recipe to make your own smoothie! Yum! 
Kimberly Marie Cicciariello.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

Jasper Jonhs by Grade 3 students: Turning the English Classroom into a Museum 2.

Today grade 3 started their assigned artist, Jasper Johns, in the CEIP Plurilingüe Ría de Vigo Museum Project. In Ana's English classroom we learnt about all the American artists that will be recreated for the school's museum transformation through a slideshow made by Kimberly.
    In the art class, we begun with creating the thick underlayer of collage used in Jasper John's painting, The Flag. Everyone will be participating in the final piece as well as making their own mini The Flag. Stay tuned for more updates as this will take will require more than one class of conjoined effort!
Kimberly Marie Cicciariello.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.
Marta Outomuro Rodríguez.

martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

Picasso´s Cubism by Grade 1 students.

 In Tuesday's grade one art class we learned about Pablo Picasso's cubism and the geometric shapes affiliated with this technique. To recreate art work similar to picasso's cubism, each student started by drawning a portrait of the student sitting across from their seat. Next they cut their drawings into geometric shapes and resembled the pieces of paper onto another sheet of paper. What mini Pablo Picasso's we have at CEIP Plurilingüe Ría de Vigo!
Here are some pictures of this technique:
Coral Rivas Martínez.
Marta Outomuro Rodríguez.
Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.
Kimberly Marie Cicciariello.