jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2022

Links to review sports and activities for Grade 3.

 Let´s be sportive...!!!








Links to review routines, WH-Questions, for Grade 4 and Grade 5.

 Let´s review routines!

https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEA_enES1016ES1016&sxsrf=ALiCzsaHJp57REZPpzn ShfxV_r4R0ZpiWQ:1669826913053&q=Actividades+interactivas+rutinas+en+ingl%C3%A9s&tb m=isch&chips=q:actividades+interactivas+rutinas+en+ingl%C3%A9s,online_chips:daily+routine s:mzPAx0rcPV4%3D&usg=AI4_- kR0_oaxVsZyB5nWnVqrdOXDGmRljQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZq_T_rdb7AhV_XaQEHQSJBxkQgI oDKAF6BAgWEBU&biw=1536&bih=746&dpr=1.25



https://es.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_%28ESL%29/D aily_routines/Daily_Routines_-_Wordsearch_xi314691vf 







English blog links:

https://learningenglishinriadevigo.blogspot.com/2022/11/school-objects-songs-for-very- young.html 

https://learningenglishinriadevigo.blogspot.com/2022/02/online-analogic-clock-to-review- time.html

https://learningenglishinriadevigo.blogspot.com/2022/02/activities-for-grade-4-talking- about.html 


What time is it? It´s…
What time do you have lunch? I have lunch at…





Links to review adjectives, descriptions, comparatives and superlatives. Grade 6.

 You can review descriptions, adjectives, comparatives and superlatives ticking in the following links:




https://www.google.com/search?q=superlatives+liveworksheets&tbm=isch&nfpr=1&rlz=1C1ONGR_esE S970ES970&hl=es&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6wqms4dX7AhVTwoUKHUhbDdsQBXoECAEQIA&biw=1381&bih =641 



https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1ONGR_esES970ES970&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=wh- questions+lifeworksheets&fir=BxyEUJy8gWyfnM%252Cq310p17OmCoYPM%252C_%253BhhDsbY86sK1 U6M%252Cq310p17OmCoYPM%252C_%253BKauZrbE3XsJe8M%252Cq310p17OmCoYPM%252C_%253B dbDZ3G3xZzqnpM%252Cq310p17OmCoYPM%252C_%253Bxuh2bi1oOs6mIM%252Cq310p17OmCoYPM %252C_%253BGzpe803nUS9YAM%252Cq310p17OmCoYPM%252C_%253BIqc8tathWHHsAM%252Cq31 0p17OmCoYPM%252C_%253BDNDVWHv- Uorx_M%252Cq310p17OmCoYPM%252C_%253BuROGzy1eWsxJTM%252CeRHNjEZKg55wSM%252C_%2 53B6xuDu57xkp9lzM%252Cq310p17OmCoYPM%252C_&usg=AI4_- kSJcwOicJWLnnmHmlUv8rTgISGSuA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjY5YC44tX7AhXJTKQEHfJyAEsQjJkEegQICRAC &biw=1396&bih=656&dpr=1.38






miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2022

Learning about Thanksgiving!

 Today we enjoyed the Thanksgiving lesson with our American Assistant teacher...!!!

Activity Explanation:
Today in class we did an activity where each class, grades 3-6, were able to contribute to creating a classroom turkey. Each class had a different color of paper that represented their group. On individual sticky note papers, each student wrote down what they were thankful for. Some examples included: "I am thankful for my mom because she always helps me" or "I am thankful for my dog because he makes me happy, or "I am thankful for my parents, because they look after me", or " Each student was able to add their paper to the turkey in order to give it the colorful feathers it needed to be complete! Check out all of their contributions here!!



martes, 22 de noviembre de 2022

Happy Thanksgiving Day...!!!!

 Since Thanksgiving is so close, we have already began doing some tasks on the theme Thanksgiving. Next are some links of videos, songs and stories. Let´s visit them. Enjoy...!!!

Thanksgiving story.

Song. Ten Little Turkeys.

Action song. Turkey Honey Pockey.

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2022

Are you ready for Halloween...???

 Let´s sing Halloween songs---!!!

The Zombie Walk...!!!

Pete the Cat Halloween stories...!!!

Many Halloween songs...!!!

What do I want to be for a Halloween song...!!!

Trick or Treat songs---!!!

Part 2...!!!

Cocomelon Halloween...!!!

Winnie the witch...

Sports songs for young learners.

 Let´s sing about sports!

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2022

Congratulations Class of 2022...!!!

 Thank you to all the Grades for they hard work and dedication...!!!! 

And ... special Congratulations to the graduates of Class 2022...!!!

Enjoy the Summer holidays...!!!

Five Years acting out Brown Bear...

Five Years acted out Eric Carle´s Brown Bear in the English classroom. We enjoyed both acting the story and singing the song! Congratulations to Five Years for their excellent work...!!!

jueves, 9 de junio de 2022

The Ría Travels Project Summary!

 The plurilingüe team chose ¨The Ría Travels…¨ as our project this year. The project is related both to the Library Project on Jules Verne and to Gulliver´s Travels, since it´s an imaginary TRAVEL. It included different activities in English and Art classes in all three educational cycles. We began with ¨The Ría Travels to London¨ in the superior cycle’s English classes. We talked about famous London landmarks as well as past tense verb forms (past simple in 5th and past simple/continuous in 6th). Then we watched a video ¨Mr. Bean in London¨ and wrote a summary using the past tense forms we studied. We also talked about and colored pictures of London landmarks in the first cycle´s art classes. We then cut out, pasted, and colored passports so the students could ¨travel¨ to London. With the middle and superior cycles, we continued with ¨The Ría Travels to Volcanoes¨ and ¨The Ría Travels to Yellowstone¨. In English class we learned the parts of the volcano, geological features of Yellowstone National Park, and wildlife that lives in Yellowstone National Park. In Art class, we made model volcanoes and clay, complete with all of the different parts of the volcanoes. In the beginning cycle, we also learned the parts of volcano in English class and drew volcanoes in Art class. Next we decided to work on ¨The Ría Travels to Natural Features¨ with the superior cycle in English class. We reviewed the comparatives and superlatives and used them to talk about different mountains ranges, waterfalls, glaciers, and rock formations. In Art class with superior cycle we made projects with the theme ¨The Ría Travels to the Moon¨. We created moon footprints with clay. We also drew and designed rocket ships. In 5th grade we completed several project related to ¨The Ría Travels to the Center of the Earth¨. We made fossils and dinosaurs out of clay and drew geodes with glitter. In the middle cycle we focused on project with the theme ¨The Ría Travels 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea¨. In English classes we learned sea vocabulary. In Art classes we created a sea diarama. In superior cycle English classes we made a writing project called ¨The Ría Travels to the Australian Open¨. We learned about connectors and used them to write a summary of the 2022 Australian Open

lunes, 6 de junio de 2022


 As part of our 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth' project, fifth graders modelled and painted these cute dinosaurs with clay.

They love working with clay, and one can tell by the look of the results!

Abstract painting.

 Fourth graders were introduced to abstract painting. Al first they were skeptical, but soon they realised that not only it was possible to find figures in random lines, but it was also so much fun! 

Their art-works speak for themselves!


 Fifth and sixth graders learned about perpective drawing and the results couldn't be more amazing! They really liked the technique and put an effort on trying to make it look as 3D, which they did! Come and check!

Sea World.

 3rd and 4th graders took too months making these dioramas about the sea world. They worked very hard painting the boxes, colouring and glueing the sand, making different decorations and making the animals with clay and painting them.

They are so happy with the result, and they hope you like it as well!


 Second graders prepared their suitcases to strat their journey around the world! Theh have their maps, passports, flags and also a camera to take some selfies!

They really enjoyed while preparing them! 

martes, 5 de abril de 2022

How to Use Padlet. Advanced Features, by Russell Stannard.

 I´d like to share this GREAT video about using Padlets by Russell Stannard, since it can be very useful.

" Great for speaking, collaboration, timelines, maps, brainstorming activities and much more."



miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2022

The CEIP PLURILINGÜE RÍA de Vigo Travels to Typical Dishes from Around the World...!!!


While reading Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Vern, we wondered what sort of food they ate on their travels. This inspired us to take a culinary trip of our own places Philead Fogg travelled, and some other places as well. Join us at CEIP PLURILINGÜE RÍA DE VIGO Travels to Typical Dishes from Around the World…!!!

martes, 29 de marzo de 2022

Let´s review comparatives...!!!

 Next are some games to review comparatives. Let´s try them...!!!









Next is a schedule of how to form comparatives. It may be useful. Let´s review them!





Adjectives + er + than

Fast – faster than


The AVE train is faster than the car.

Adjectives + y<i> + er + than

Happy – happier than

She is happier than her sister.

Double consonant adjectives + er + than

Big - bigger than

The elephant is bigger than the cat.

Irregular adjectives

Good – better than

Bad - worse than

Eating healthy is better than eating junk food.

“-ed”, “-ing” endings > more + adjective + than

Tired – more tired than

Boring – more boring than

Today he felt more tired than yesterday.

More than 2 speech sounds adjectives:

More + adjective + than.

Beautiful – more beautiful than

Beautiful – less beautiful than

His car is more beautiful than mine.