miércoles, 10 de junio de 2020

Giving opinions...!!! Can you name your favourite English activity? Grades 1, 2 ,3 ,4, 5 ,6,and Pre - School.

Can you tell me what is the English activity you like best?

Tick on +

You can write your NAME. (Don´t write your surname).

Write your favourite activity in the English lesson. I like...

Tick on upload.

And we can see your answers.


Hecho con Padlet

8 comentarios:

  1. Mateo
    I like to make the recipe and eat it.

  2. Adrián 1°EP
    I like videos about animals.

  3. + Antía
    My favourite English activity is watch Mr. Bean videos

  4. my favourite english is when we had what the companions did

  5. Andrea 1st Primary.
    Hello everyone!!! What I like most about English classes are the stories and music videos.

  6. Laura 3rh Primary
    My favourite english activity is listening to songs.

  7. isaac 4rh primary
    my favourite english activity is playing at hang man
