miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Suggesting a new Challenge to Grade 3 students...!!!

Dear students,
Hope you are fine and congratulations for the excellent work you are doing and sending it to me. Thank you...!!!

This week I suggest you to send me a video talking in English about your likes or dislikes.

You can visit the following link to practise pronunciation:

(Podéis practicar la pronunciación en el siguiente enlace:)


Eg. What do you like doing in your free time?
Remember that like + verb + ing: I like swimming.

You can have a look at this link and do this activities to review the structure:




I can´t wait to watch the video. You cand send it to me to my email,as well as with the activities.

Thank you.
Take care and Keep in touch.

Ana Isabel Ferreirós Rey.

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